In 2006, I joined Network Ten, as a co-anchor on the five pm News at Five. I was often called on to utilise my journalism credentials to anchor live reports on breaking stories for the Network, such as the devastating 2009 Black Saturday Bushfires, and the Christchurch earthquake.
Last year I joined the Seven Network, which marked a really rewarding phase of my career. I hosted Today Tonight throughout 2013 in Sydney and Melbourne. The highlights for me were stories such as the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, and Sophie Delezio ten years on, a truly inspiring girl. This year I started work on the flagship Current Affairs program Sunday Night. It’s a dream job for me. One of the stories I am most of proud of aired recently on the miracle ofcochlear implants.
Last year I stepped down as the Senior Director on the state government appointed board of Federation Square. It was a privilege serving on the Board for six years, and I remain a Friend of Federation Square for life. I am also an Ambassador for the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation, An Advisory Committee member of the Big Issue, An Ambassador for the Victorian Farmers Markets Association, A mad Hawks and Melbourne Victory Fan, and Liverpool in the EPL. I believe in cycling, but not lycra.. at least not for me. :) and I am a proud Greek Australian who spends a month each year visiting my poppa in Northern Greece.
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Daniel Ednie-Lockett
Daniel Ednie-Lockett is the founder of Language Connection, a not for profit which runs language exchanges and conferences for native speakers and learners of English, Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Daniel speaks fluent Japanese and Mandarin and has worked as a TV presenter in Mandarin in China for the last two years.

Fablice Manirakiza
Maintaining language culture is very important not just to me but to all the diversity communities as well as the wider community of Australia, English is my second language, I understand the importance of it, not just in our everyday life but also in connecting with the world politicly, economically and other aspects, but to most of us this wouldn't slow us in maintaining our main language, the world of today is about creating and sharing we should all be proud of who we are and share our cultural across the world, but it all start with your own identity of where you come from, I believe maintaining language is important to achieve all the desire of making this world a better place.

"I was born to play in Grand Finals," says Robert DiPierdomenico, somewhat humbly.

Anne Eckstein
As the child of post-war immigrants, I grew up with two languages - German at home and English at school. As a German teacher and later involved in education policy development, I was always promoting the language learning to parents, teachers, principals and the community. When I was elected to Parliament, I thought I wouldn't use my German anymore but I was wrong. I could only connect with some people and groups in my community because I spoke German. They opened their doors to me and we could communicate in a common language; something no politician had done for them before.

Helen Kapalos